Things To Consider About Marriage

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Note: Every Monday, we will share a post about marriage. We understand that although you
e planning for a wedding, we hope you
e more committed to planning for a marriage. We
e excited to share wisdom from our owner, Denny Freeman (hes better known by his moniker, FarmerD). He and his wife, Sandy, have been married for fifty-four years and hes counseled and married over hundred couples. 

As you prepare for your marriage, understand the importance of having your eyes of reality wide open. All couples enter their marriage with high hopes and the expectation of living their lives together for a lifetime. Yet, why do so many marriages fail and end up in divorce?

There are good reasons why over fifty percent of all marriages don’t work and that was one reason I wanted to write these articles. Being married to Sandy for almost fifty-four years and marrying over one hundred couples, I have discovered some insights about marriage. I’ve noticed certain patterns develop when people enter their marriage relationship.

Someone once said: Women hope men will change, but they don . And men hope women won change, but they do. 

Using myself as an example, fifty- four years ago, I wasn’t prepared for what was coming our way. We had a wonderful wedding, reception, and honeymoon that included a trip to Nigeria Falls. Then our life together as husband and wife began.

I certainly wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility of a new career, a new wife, and a baby coming in our first year of marriage. We believe, without a doubt, we wouldve been divorced today if it hadn’t been for many factors–mainly, a patient wife and a conversion to Jesus Christ.

Like a lot of couples today, we made a commitment to one another, but didn’t have the skills and understanding in our relationship to deal with the many issues that came our way.

Today, I won’t marry a couple unless they commit to the training and pre-marriage counseling that will help them deal with the issues they will face. Some couples honestly say, “But we don’t need counseling because we love each other.”

I remind them that every couple in the world has said those words — they
e in love– in one way or another. Feelings of love are wonderful, but they will only take you so far.

For example, one survey said that 86% of the people that got a divorce blamed poor communication as a reason for their trouble. How they dealt with conflict in a positive way by responding instead of reacting was another serious issue. How they handled financial matters was the third issue.

This is why I’m excited to share thoughts to encourage you in your exciting journey together. Marriage is a wonderful union especially when it’s a positive experience for a lifetime.

Excited to share,
