Do You Treat Your Spouse as well as You Treat Your Pet?

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Dear Brides:

We live in Florida five months out of the year and where we live, people live with their dogs. Big ones, little ones, cute ones, and noisy ones. They walk them, carefully pick up their poop, and some dress them in little outfits. Some even push them around in little dog carriages.

We have an upscale doggy store that has every kind of treats, variety of outfits, and assortment of collars. They have every kind of meaty dog food, both dry and frozen. When we have company visit us, we like to take them to the doggy store because it’s such a classy store for people’s pets.

It got me thinking about relationships. What if we treated our mates as nice and considerate as we treat our pets? In other words, treat them like a dog.

I know couples make those promises at the marriage altar. “I promise to love, honor, and cherish you in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, till death do us part.”

Yes, I know its not easy loving, honoring, and cherishing one another everyday because it can be sometimes very difficult, not to mention that living with another person and sharing life together when we’re so different in so many ways.

He left the toothpaste cap off again! He forgot to take out the garbage. I wish he wouldn’t drink milk out of the carton.

Think about it? Over 50% of marriages don’t make it in this great country, but normally you don’t divorce your dog. Usually in the breakup, the couple fight over who is going to keep the dog.

Thinking about relationships, dogs get treated better than most people I know. For forty years of our married life, we’ve owned dogs and I have to admit, they were easy to love.

I heard this illustration once, if you put your wife and dog in the trunk of your car and drove a few miles, then opened the trunk, youd realize who is happier to see you.

I know what you
e saying. Dogs are easy to love. They really are. But Brides, men are pretty easy to love too-if your willing to take the time to understand them just like you do with your dog. And dogs and people have a remarkable thing in common: you get back what you give.

Until next month,
