Why a Woman Needs to Just Talk With Her Man

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Dear Brides:

Just talking is a key to understanding.

In our relationships, things go better when we set aside time to just talk. This isn an option, but a must. Talking is when women build rapport. This may sound like “small talk” to men and they may or may not be ready for it at all times. But its helpful for men to take the time to talk to you.

Men need to understand the importance that women place on sharing the days report and having their man share his. Men don’t have to give every detail of the day; however, its healthy to go over the highlights. This time with her will make her feel loved because she will be building rapport with the most important person in her life.

My mom is 97 years old and has an apartment in a retirement complex. We usually meet Tuesday evenings, where I take her shopping and out for dinner, along with playing games afterward. She told me once, “The best part of the evening is just talking.” I have to admit she carries the conversation and most of the time, I just listen. But its important for me to stay focused and involved in the conversation.

Remember: women love to talk to release their emotions. Because a woman is an interrelated personality, she is like a tea kettle. She collects all the things that have happened to her over the day, so she has buildup. She needs to release some of her feelings and it really can’t wait until tomorrow.

Men tend to stuff things away and don’t have to talk about them. Men don’t have the pressure building inside the way women do. When the man lets his woman share small talk and give her a chance to “let off steam,” she will feel good and connected to him.

Women also need to talk to realize their feelings. Men usually know what they are feeling, and will talk about it, if they think its necessary. Women, on the other hand, can be feeling a lot of things but not know exactly what they are. That’s why women say, “Can we talk?” Why? She doesn’t really know except that, “I just need to talk.”

As her husband, the man must realize his wife needs to process her feelings–to realize exactly how she is feeling. As she talks to him, it clarifies things for her, then she feels better and understood.

Dear Brides, I realize you understand what I am saying here. But again, the key is to help your special guy understand why this is so important for you and your relationship.

Over the years, Sandy and I have realized that understanding or good communication requires scheduling time. You have to set a period of time each day or throughout the week to connect with one another. A time without any interruptions until you
e done talking.

Until next time,
