Why Most Marriages Fail

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Dear Brides:

What does it take to fall in love? Not much more than a pulse. But what does it take to stay in love?

That is the more important question! One we all ask ourselves at some point. As rare as it seems to happen, staying in love over the long haul is an intense desire for all of us.

When we marry that special someone, our hope is that our marriage will be everything we want it to be. We see ourselves together forever with that special someone we love like no other.

This craving for that one-on-one soul mate — the special person– we can share the deepest companionship and intimacy with for the rest of our lives.

So lets ask the tough question. What makes it so difficult to stay in love with that special person? Why have 50% of the marriages failed?

I believe one of the key reasons is we start loving one another based on conditions– “conditional love.” Do unto others what they deserve. Do unto others as they do to you. Do unto others as your mood would have it. Do unto others, so they’ll see things your way. Do unto others until you wear them down and they agree to your demands. No wonder so many couples are just surviving in their relationships, if they’re staying together at all.

Then we add our super-high expectations, our super-long lists of our personal needs, and our super-low tolerance for disappointment. That’s why the odds are stacked against us.

So what is the answer to staying married? I’m glad you asked. The best source to ask are happily married couples that have been married twenty or thirty years or more. “How have they done it?”

Let them tell you about the choices they made, how they worked through their marriage difficulties, and what they learned about being together.

Guess what? Starting with our next letter, thats what we
e going to do. I’ll interview couples that have been married for a while and get their stories. I think it’s going to be exciting!

Until next time,
